Mali Rising Foundation

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Tell Us What You Think!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

We want to hear from you…yes you! Mali Rising is conducting a quick survey of our friends and supporters to help us better understand your priorities and how you’d like to hear from us. Can you help out?

Please use this 5-minute survey to speak your mind. In the last few years, our supporter numbers have grown exponentially and you are all now scattered around the globe. We want to check in and see where your interests are and how we can best communicate with you, given these new realities. Use the survey to let us know how we can improve!

The survey is anonymous, unless you choose to share your name and email address (this will allow us to note your preferences and follow up, but is not required). It takes 5 minutes or less to fill out, and will help us so much. Please weigh in by November 1 to help us improve our programs, our communications, and our support of your needs. Thank you in advance!