Mali Rising Foundation

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Alumni Paying it Forward

By Fatoumata Kone, Operations Coordinator

One of my favorite parts of my job is coordinating a newish project for Mali Rising Foundation — our Alumni Networks. These networks bring together graduates from our schools and support them as the work to help their school and inspire current students to stay in school and study hard. This was my first year with the Alumni Networks, and I had a great wrap up discussion with one participant — Pratric Samake, who graduated from Denik Middle School in Zambougou.

Pratric is doing his final year in literature at Ouélessebougou High School. I asked Pratric why he is continuing his education. He told me, “Education is a powerful weapon that changes the world, and I'd like to change the world for my younger brothers and sisters in my community, so that they can study in the best possible conditions.”

Pratric hasn’t had the easiest conditions for schooling. He explained, “My high school is very far away, I had to travel more than 4 km, and when I was in second cycle [middle school] I had to face a lot of difficulties such as lack of financial means, working in the fields and at home. I worked very hard at home, sometimes I couldn't even learn my lessons because it was so tiring and hard, but… I liked studying so I didn't give up school.”

These kinds of barriers force many students in Mali to give up, but not Pratric. In fact, he was inspired to help others see the power of education. “I had a goal to achieve in my life and I wanted to change my village through education. By motivating the kids and giving good advice to the pupils so that they study well in class, we can change our villages and develop our community through education. For a country or a village to develop, you need a good education.”

One of the things I admire about Pratric is that he doesn’t just talk — he takes action! He was very busy in the Alumni Network this year. “I’ve taken part in all the activities of the Alumni Network. Together, we encourage the students and share our experiences with them, and the current students appreciate this activity because it motivates and inspires them to become like their big brothers,” said Pratric.

Pratric is also focused on how to make his future the best one possible. When asked about his future plans, he said, “This year I want to do the baccalaureate and I hope to have obtained this diploma and to study even more, and to have a good job to help the current students. In the future, if I can find the money, I'm going to build a big library in my old school so that all the students don't miss any documents during their studies.”

I love supporting Mali Rising’s Alumni Networks because it is inspiring to see former students grow up and give back to those who come behind them. This is the power of education to change not only one life but a whole community!