Join 50 Women & Change Girls' Lives!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director


Kadia is a Mali Rising student with dreams of giving back to her community. “After graduating, I would like to go a health school to become a midwife. I want to protect girls against sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS and also help to prevent early pregnancies.”

Kadia has a chance at her dreams because people just like you cared. Because you helped build a school in her village, Kadia just graduated from middle school – something 3 out of 4 girls in Mali will not do. And because of you, Kadia received a Mali Rising Inspiration Scholarship to go on to nursing school…something even fewer girls will do.

Now we’re looking for a few good women to help hundreds of girls just like Kadia.


How? We invite you to join 49 other amazing women to educate girls in Mali through the 50 Women project. Your 50 Women donation of $100 recruits more girls into school, retains them through graduation, and provides the support and skills they need to succeed. Together, we'll help more than 200 girls like Kadia this year. And a generous donor will match your gift dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000!

Plus, you’ll join a great group of women who believe we can do good together. Throughout the school year, you’ll have chances to connect with our work and the girls you are helping.

Take action today and join our girls’ team -- join for yourself or give a 50 Women membership to another woman you admire!