A Sad Goodbye to Alou Doumbia, Construction Manager

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

It is with great sadness that I share with the Mali Rising community that Alou Doumbia, our Construction Manager, passed away late last week after a short illness. The staff, board, and volunteers of Mali Rising are shocked and saddened to say goodbye to Alou, who was a truly kind person with a deep belief in the power of education.


Alou came to Mali Rising in March of 2013. He joined our staff during a time of great transition and was instrumental in keeping the organization on track during that critical time. Over the years, Alou oversaw construction of 12 Mali Rising schools — a huge contribution to Mali Rising and to the future of the children of his beloved country. Alou also helped our office run smoothly, coordinated our microloan work with students’ mothers, and much more. Previous to joining Mali Rising’s staff, Alou worked with the Ouelessebougou Alliance doing community organizing work.

Those of us who knew Alou can attest to his consistent good humor, his pleasure in sharing Malian culture and history, and his incredible zest for a good dinner under the mango trees. One of my personal favorite memories of Alou is of his joyful reaction when we visited the National Library of Mali as a staff — Alou was so proud of the facility and shared his eagerness to bring his children to the library to explore its richness. We will miss Alou deeply.

For anyone who knew Alou, we are organizing a gift to his wife and children. You can donate and send a message to his family here.