School Access Program
Mali Rising was founded with the vision of providing safe schools within easy walking distance for every child in Mali's remote southern villages. We continue this work today, partnering with villages to build new schools and maintain our 28 existing schools.
Interested in sponsoring a school?
Want to explore our existing schools?
Overall Program Goal: Expanding access to safe, sustainable schools for Mali’s children while maintaining our current schools.
Building Our Next School
Sebela parents and village leaders took an impressive step when they decided to build their own middle school. The village was able to fund and coordinate nearly half of the school's construction before running out of resources. Now we've partnered with the village and notebook manufacturer Denik to find a way to finish the school for the children of Sebela. You can help!
Keeping Schools Safe and Solid
It isn't always the most exciting subject, but maintaining our schools is important. Village partners take on the day-to-day maintenance. Our field staff are there to help with advice. For some situations, the fix is bigger than the village can tackle alone (for example, structural repairs or a new roof). In these cases, we partner with the villages to get the job done.
Bringing Light for Evening Study
In three of our schools solar panels keep the classrooms useful far into the evenings. Light may be used for extra study sessions or for adult literacy classes. One of our schools even runs a DVD and TV combo that allows them to play educational videos for the kids and the villagers. We are currently investigating new technology in the solar arena that should allow us to bring light to more of our schools at a lower price.