This Week in the Field: Teaching Teachers to Teach

This is a big week for our teachers in Mali. All this week, 36 of our teachers will attend a teacher training with professional experts. They'll spend 5 days learning the best teaching techniques, how to incorporate active learning into their classrooms, and how to manage their huge classes (sometimes as many as 100 students in a class!). For those of us here in the states, this might sound humdrum. But for teachers in Mali, it is a big deal....

News From Our Girls on International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day, but here at Mali Rising every day is girls' day. Why is that? Because we are very excited to be deeply engaged in the first year of our pilot Girls Project. Led by our intrepid Girls Project Coordinator, Hindaty, the Girls Project launched in autumn 2016 and is now going full steam ahead. Why is Hindaty's work so important?

You've Got One Month

March 31 at midnight. That’s when the door slams shut on our Make the Case for Caring Essay Contest. The contest asks high school students to make a compelling, short argument for why we should invest in educating children in a far-off country like Mali. Essays are arriving in our inbox daily. It is exciting to see the different angles students take to support their case...

Meet 2 Students from Sebela, Home to Our Next School

Some of you may have heard that we are fundraising for our 21st school in the small, tidy village of Sebela in southern Mali. While I was in Mali in December, I visited Sebela and met many parents and children. I got to spend the most time with two great kids -- Lassine and Kadia -- so I'm featuring those two here today.

Catching Up With Mali Rising's Girls Project

It has been a while since we caught you up with our newest project -- the Girls Project. The wait isn't because of lack of action -- our intrepid Girls Project Coordinator Hindaty has been very busy. Read on for a full update on last quarter's fun...