I'm excited to officially open the 2018 make the Case for Caring Essay Contest! From January 1 through March 31, high school students around the United States may submit their essay on this year's theme and compete for fame and fortune.
Give a Girl the Gift of Grit
As 2017 winds down and we enjoy the holiday season, many of us are feeling generous and grateful. If you're thinking about channeling those feelings into wrapping up your charitable giving for the year, consider giving a Mali Rising girl the gift of grit.
Ready For Some Friday Fun? So Are We.
It's Friday afternoon here at Mali Rising's U.S. offices and we're feeling a little slap-happy. So, I thought I'd share a short video from our recent school expedition in Mali. Please feel free to laugh as I try to learn that most basic of skills for a Mali woman -- how to carry water on my head. A three-year-old child can do it. But can I?
Volunteer-Made Menstrual Kits Make a Difference in Mali
For the second year in a row, the hard work of a group of volunteers here in the U.S. is making a big difference for our girls in Mali. In our remote villages, girls often have no access to materials to manage their periods. This means they stay home from school for a week each month -- just imagine missing 25% of school! Girls fall behind in classes, and sometimes that leads to dropping out altogether. Luckily, there is a lot of work going on these days to find simple solutions for managing periods in places like our villages.
Investing in Great Teachers for Great Students
Behind the Scenes...
A Classroom With No Books? No Way.
Celebrating A New School & A New Future
On November 14, we did one of the most amazing and most overwhelming things you can do -- we officially opened a new Mali Rising school. The celebratory opening in the tiny village of Sebela was simply incredible, with hundreds of excited children, wonderful dancers, dozens of dignitaries, and much more.
On To The Next School...
One of the most exciting things we do at Mali Rising is build a new school in a new village. Seeing a school where before there was nothing but a weedy field is inspiring. Seeing kids walk into new classrooms where before they had no hope of an education is enough to make you cry. And talking with the parents about their pride in the village's new school and in their children's futures is truly life-changing.Here at Mali Rising, we've had this incredible experience 21 times now. And we're about to head into the 22nd beautiful journey.
One Stop Spot For Keeping Up With The Girls Project
As regular blog readers will know, we are very proud of our new Girls Project. In its very first year, the Project returned wonderful results for our girl students in Mali. As we launch the Project's second year, there's even more going on. And with so many of you particularly interested in supporting our girls, we created a new hub for tracking news about the Girls Project...