Wow! Did we ever have an amazing group of young people apply to be Youth Ambassadors this year! In fact, the applicants were so great we could not limit ourselves to just 10 Ambassadors and instead selected 18 young leaders. We just can’t wait to see what they’ll do this year!
Karim & Modibo Enjoy Working Together to Learn
We Were Overwhelmed With Great Youth Ambassador Applications!
By Merritt Frey, Executive Director
Okay, this isn’t the most substantive blog post ever…but I had to share my excitement. Last week was the deadline for 20/21 Youth Ambassador Project participants and we had SUCH an amazing batch of applicants.
In fact, our applicants were so outstanding we could not bring ourselves to limit the group to just ten Ambassadors. Katie Murphy, Mali Rising board member and Youth Ambassador liaison, and I just could not say no to many of the great kids who applied. As a result, the 20/21 Ambassador class will be nearly double the normal size!
Stay tuned to hear more about the new Ambassadors in the coming week. And we predict you will be hearing A LOT about their great projects all school year long! So exciting.
Keeping Girls Both Safe From Covid & Learning
This year I can't wait to resume our twice monthly meetings with the girls in our Girls Project villages! These meetings will be a little different because of COVID-19, but in some ways I think they may be even better. For more health protection, we will hold these meetings under the trees in the school yards, rather than in the classrooms…
Get to Know Denik Middle School's French Teacher (aka, the Rooster!)
Denik Middle School of Zambougou has not only been a tremendous help to the people of Zambougou, but also a great relief for Mr. Diarra. Abdoul Salam Diarra has been teaching French in Zambougou for 5 years. Mr. Diarra is married and is the father of a two-year-old boy. He lives in Ouelessebougou, which is about 10 km from the school. Mr. Diarra loves all his family and enjoys working with all his everyone in Denik Middle School of Zambougou….
Even Flood Waters Can't Stop Our Girls Project
Because of the school closings with COVID-19, this year’s reopening of schools coincides with the rainy season. Usually, schools in Mali are closed from June through September so that most children do not have to navigate floodwaters and mud to get to school. As with everything else, 2020 has been quite different with students called back to school in the midst of the rains.
Last Call! Youth Ambassador Applications Due September 30
It’s not too late…but it almost is! Don’t delay high school students — apply to be a Mali Rising Youth Ambassador by September 30.
A Call for U.S. Students' Help: Two Ways To Be Involved
Announcing the First Ever Speech Up! Video Contest
At Mali Rising, we think young people have the ideas and energy needed to change the world. But all too often, these voices are discounted and ignored. That’s why the Speech Up! contest exists — to give young people a forum to share their ideas for real change that will matter to other young people globally.
Checking in On Our Next School Partner Village
Mali Rising has two school construction projects currently — on in N’Goko and one in Banko. These schools have been on hold during the pandemic , but construction is now gearing up in Banko, with proper safety protocols in place. Here, Alou tells us a little bit about Banko and what a school will mean for the village.