March 8, 2021 was International Women’s Day. At Mali Rising, we celebrated this special day in our own way. How? By cheering for our girls as they played their hearts out on a dusty soccer field. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the girls cannot currently travel between schools to play. However, we set up match between the 7th and 8th grade girls and the 9th grade girls at Denik Middle School in Zambougou.
April Volunteer Evening: Join the Notes of Encouragement Campaign!
Looking for something fun but meaningful to do as a volunteer? We have the easiest-entry project ever for you — write notes of encouragement to our students in Mali! On April 8, you can come learn all about it at our online April Volunteer Evening.
Just One Week To Get Your Speech Up! Videos In
School for the Kids of N'Goko Nears Completion
Home Stretch for Speech Up! Video Contest
Thank You to Judge Memorial Students!
The End is Near....Well, The End of the Speech Up! Video Contest
Changing Lives, One Scholarship At A Time
Over the last four-plus years, Mali Rising’s Inspiration Scholarship project has changed the lives of 57 young people, including 39 young women. This project grants education scholarships to our outstanding 9th grade graduates to allow them to continue their studies. This assistance strengthens the efforts that parents make to enable their children to continue their studies when they leave their villages. Parents in Mali – just like everywhere around the world – want the best future possible for their kids. Almost every parent will understand the pain of not being able to give your child everything…and that’s where our Inspiration Scholar donors can step in to help out just a bit!
There's Nothing Like Watching A New School Rise
There are a lot of satisfying parts of this job, but few as pleasing as seeing a whole new school rise from the red soil of a small Mali village. Each year, Mali Rising builds just one or two schools (because we want to be sure we are also providing the support ALL of our schools need to deliver a quality education) and each one is as much of a joy to us as it is to the local village.
Kadidatou Returns to School After a New Baby
Usually in Mali, once a girl gets married or becomes pregnant, her education ends. (This is a big problem, because 15% of girls are married by 15 and 50% are married by 18.) A pregnant girl who goes to school risks being teased by other students and being accused of being a bad influence. Yet every year, thousands of girls get pregnant in Mali when they should be learning history, algebra and life skills at school. Adolescent girls who have teenage pregnancies face many social and financial barriers that hinder their pursuit of formal education. Kadidiatou is a married 18 year old and is in the 9th grade at Mali Rising’s Frances W. Burton Middle School in Tamala. When we discovered that she was pregnant, we doubled our awareness campaign with her and of her husband's family until her delivery.