We are truly pleased to welcome a new member to our Board of Directors, AJ Davis. She joins our dedicated band of board members in guiding the organization and serving as ambassadors for our work. I sent AJ a few questions to help everyone get to know her just a little bit. Please read on to hear what AJ had to share.
How Aminata Spends Her Summer Vacation
Rescheduled: Fun Discussion of Girls' Education
Learning Kits Making a Splash
Meet A New Board Member: Crystal Goodwin
Make A Donation in Honor Of Alou
As we announced earlier this week, Alou Doumbia, our Construction Manager, passed away late last week after a short illness. We are all so sad to say goodbye to Alou, but no one is sadder than his family. That’s why we are gathering together donations in honor of Alou to share with his family.
New Learning Kits Enliven the Classroom
Because basic tools such as textbooks, maps, educational diagrams, or science materials are missing from Mali classrooms, teachers are really limited in how they can prepare and deliver their lessons. But Mali Rising Foundation has long worked to provide textbooks to our classrooms, but this year we added additional tools provided in kits we loan out to schools for two weeks at a time. We provide two types of Learning Kits to our schools – a Language Kit and a Science Kit. The Language Kit provides resources for teaching both French and English, including books, flashcards, and more. The Science Kit is packed full of scientific drawings, tools for active learning like magnifying glasses and rulers, and other tools. We also provided written instruction sheets that give the teachers multiple ideas about how they can easily incorporate the Kit tools into their lessons.
A Sad Goodbye to Alou Doumbia, Construction Manager
It is with great sadness that I share with the Mali Rising community that Alou Doumbia, our Construction Manager, passed away late last week after a short illness. The staff, board, and volunteers of Mali Rising are shocked and saddened to say goodbye to Alou, who was a truly kind person with a deep belief in the power of education.
Online Book Discussion: The Moment of Lift
We want to talk with YOU about big ideas for changing the world. Some of our supporters were really inspired by Melinda Gates' book, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World. We decided it would be fun to have a book group-like discussion and connect some of the themes from the book with Mali Rising's work and your support. Please join us!
Girls Explore the Lives of Career Women
As part of exposing our Girls Project girls to the diverse career opportunities an education girl can dream of, we recently interviewed some career women in their workplace and videoed the interviews. In the past, we brought these career women to the villages to meet the girls directly but because of the pandemic we took a questionnaire from the girls to the career women.