All around the world people are waking up to the need to educate girls. Educating a girl empowers her to improve her own life, but it also changes the fate of her future family, her village, and her country. For example, for each additional year of secondary education, a girl will earn 10 to 20% more over her lifetime.
While Mali has made strides in improving girls’ enrollment in primary school (primary school attendance for girls: 55 percent), there is a steep drop in secondary school attendance for girls (23 percent). Research shows enrollment numbers for girls are even worse in rural villages such as those where Mali Rising schools are located.
That's why we launched Mali Rising's Girls Project in fall 2016. Today, the project has three aims:
Recruit more girls to our schools,
Retain those girls through their 9th grade graduation
Make sure they girls show benefit from real results through education and life skill development.
Girls Project participants in Kolimba share the excitement of reading letters of encouragement from U.S. Girl Scouts.