We know girls will change the world. You too? Great, come help! As part of Mali Rising's Girls Project -- focused on recruiting and retaining more girls at our schools -- we provide menstrual kits for our girls.

Menstrual kits? Yep. In Mali, our girls have few options for managing their periods. This means they often say home for a week each month, missing out on school. They fall behind, and eventually can fall right out of school.

Mali Rising volunteers use the Days for Girls models to make reusable kits that last each girl for three years. That kit gives her back 45 days of school each year. That's 4.5 months of middle school we can give back to a girl with a simple volunteer project!

How can you help? We need people who can sew, people who can't sew, and people interested in donating kit materials. Here are a few options:

  • In the Salt Lake, Utah area? We have a group of volunteers who meet monthly to make kits. Alternatively, volunteers take materials home and work on them there.

  • Not in the Salt Lake area? You can start your own group of friends making kits and we can help with patterns, advice, etc.

  • Just want to work on your own? You might just want to work on one part of a kit or have other ideas. Just let us know what will work for you.

  • Make it a Scout project! This is the perfect Silver Award project for Girl Scouts. Contact us to learn more.

  • Just want to donate materials? We LOVE that idea, and our volunteers will magically turn them into kits.

Interested in any of these ways of getting involved? Contact us for more information.