By Merritt Frey, Executive Director
After extending the deadline and delaying results due to COVID-19, we are finally announcing our Make the Case for Caring Essay Contest winners! We always love to read what young people are thinking about international issues, and this year was no exception.
Due to a significant and on-going decrease in entries, 2020 was the final year for our make the case for caring contest. However, in September we will launch a new contest for young people interested in international issues…so stay tuned. For now, read the 2020 winning essays.
As a reminder, this was the Make the Case for Caring Essay Contest theme for 2020:
Numerous challenges exist in countries like Mali, where many people live in extreme poverty – poor nutrition and health, food insecurity, lack of sanitation and clean water, violence and instability, low literacy rates, inadequate infrastructure, and more. Why should education be a priority given all of the competing needs in a country like Mali?
Thanks to our winners and to everyone who participated! Read the winning essays.