Mali Rising Foundation

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The Kids You'll Help in N'Goko

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

Our supporters are always excited about building a new school — there’s something, well, concrete, about making a donation and seeing a building rise from the red soil of Mali. But what is really exciting about a new school is not the bricks and mortar, but the hundreds — and even thousands — of kids that school will serve.

We are currently fundraising for a middle school for the children of N’Goko, so I wanted to share short stories from just a few of the great kids your donation will help. Inspired? Please consider giving to the Build a School for N’Goko campaign!


My name is Djènèbou, I am doing the 6th grade here in N'goko. We study in French and I love dictation because I am strong in this matter. I got 9 out of 10 as average in my exam, I study well because I was the 3rd of the class in ranking. When I pass for the 7th grade, I will continue my studies in Kadiolo that is 37 km from our home. I would be very far from my parents; it is hard for a little girl like me because I will have homesickness for my parents, my brothers and sisters. When the second cycle [middle school] is open here, I would be happy because I would stay with my family safely. I am happy when I go to school, before I go off school I help my mother to take water, to cook because I know how to prepare rice with onion sauce.”


“My name is Moustapha. I am in 6th grade where we study in French dictation and vocabularies. After my primary school studies, I would continue to Misseni which is a village located 10 km from here. I would like to study to become a tailor to support my parents. When we go to Misseni, our parents entrust us to other families where we stay for the whole time studying. My father is a farmer, my mother is also a farmer. When I would have the means, I would build a beautiful house for my parents. I will happy when I make money to do this.”

You can help build a school for Djènèbou and Moustapha!