Two Free, Virtual Events Coming in May!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

If I ask if you are getting a little stir-crazy, do you want to smack me? Then you just might be a little stir-crazy. So, have some fun and lighten up with us at our upcoming online events!

First, if you are feeling ready to learn something new about our work and Mali, join us via video link on May 2 for a chat with our wonderful Teachers’ Project Coordinator, Adama Kone. Adama coordinates our Health Project (as well as the Teachers’ Project) so he will share the latest on what we’re doing in Mali about COVID-19. This event will be about 1 hour long and should be suitable for ages 12 and up. RSVP for more information and so we can send you log in information.

Second, feeling a little more silly or looking for something to do with your family/group of friends? Join us via Zoom on Wednesday afternoon/evening May 6 for a fun, silly Mali Scavenger Hunt! The Hunt will involve a mix of finding items in your home and silly trivia questions. You will learn a little bit about Mali in the process, but it will mostly be a fun way to while away an hour of home-bound time! The Hunt will be appropriate for solo people or teams (for example, a family). All ages could enjoy this as part of a team. You do NOT need to be a Mali expert to excel at the Hunt! Small prizes will go to the winners. RSVP here for more information and to receive log in information.