By Merritt Frey, Executive Director
Because female students in Mali face special barriers, we have a robust Girls’ Project to help support their special needs. But research shows improving girls’ access to education takes action from the whole community…not just the girls. So, part of our Girls’ Project work focuses on engaging boys from our partner schools in discussion about gender issues and how they can actively support their fellow students who happen to be girls.
This work focuses largely on peer meetings where boys gather for facilitated discussions about human rights, girls’ education, and their role in knocking down obstacles for girls. The meetings are lively, with boys actively debating big ideas and sharing their ideas for building a more equal world.
In November, we hosted these discussions in three of our partner villages — Diorila, Sebela, and Zambougou. In each case, 40 to 60 boys came out to learn and share their own thoughts. Adama Kone, the Mali Rising staff person who leads these discussions, noted how much fun was had…and it wasn’t only because cake was provided!
“These young men can be allies for girls in their classroom today, and in the future they can speak up for women in their families and in Mali as a whole. In Mali, change starts with discussion and debate among the community, and these boys really engaged,” said Adama.