Another Way to Help: Flashcards!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

Join Mali Rising staff & other volunteers interested in volunteering for our Flashcard Campaign online on Thursday, March 11.

In this Volunteer Evening, we’ll talk about why flashcards are needed in our classrooms and how you can make French to English flashcards for our students. After our discussion, we will share written instructions and word lists.

You do not need any language skills (we provide lists of the French and English words) to participate in this volunteer campaign. This is a particularly fun project if you like to draw, but drawing is not required! The volunteer need is on-going, so you can volunteer for an hour or for 10 hours…it is totally up to you. So come learn how to do this and then get flash-carding.

This event is free but you must RSVP. The Volunteer evening is Thursday, March 11 at 4pm pacific/5pm mountain/6pm central/7pm eastern. Previous Volunteer Evenings have filled up, so RSVP today!