Investing in School Leaders=Investing in Studetns

By Adama Kone, Teacher Project Manager

Teachers and principals really set the tone for a school. That’s one of the reasons I love working with our teachers and principals — good leadership in the classrooms and the school overall means the kids can really learn and grow in our schools. That’s why I’m sad when we sometimes have to say goodbye to good principals, like principal Maki Ezai Mounkoro of Sue Chung Chiu Middle School.

We bid a sad au revoir to principal Maki Ezai Mounkoro, but we will be there to support his replacement this fall!

Mr. Mounkoro has been a principal and math teacher at Sue Chung Chiu Middle School for several years. I’ve worked with Mr. Mounkoro since his early days at our partner school, which weren’t always easy. “When I first got to the village of Sue Chung Chiu Middle School, I was a bit nervous and thought I would not get along with the community because I had heard about the village as they barely got along with teachers and children did like school. But when I started working I had no problems with the community and students because they loved me and I enjoyed working with them too.,” Mr. Mounkoro said.

Mr. Mounkoro worked very hard to create better learning options for his students when he was principal at Sue Chung Chiu Middle School. He provided extra math classes for students and gave the students advice on their future. As principal, he also made sureall of th school’s teachers were available for students as needed. Mr. Mounkoro was in perfect relationship with his teachers and the whole community of his village, which made him so proud of the time he spent in the village.

However, this summer Mr. Mounkoro was moved and sent to another middle school by the government. Mr. Mounkoro mentioned that the government decided to send him to another middle school without his agreement. He tried to resist because he loved to work at his scool and wanted to continue serving the students there.

In addition to his good relationship with the community, Mr. Mounkoro told us he also wanted to stay because he appreciated working with Mali Rising. “The other that made me more excited about the Sue Chung Chiu Middle School is the partnership with Mali Rising Foundation. I have always been proud of that relationship  because thanks to Mali Rising Foundation I improved my teaching skills and learned better ways to address tough situations in school like holding meetings with the school management committee  and interacting with teachers to address issues. I have learned those skills through Mali Rising peer meetings in addition to helpful trainings.”

“I will be teaching at another middle school but missing Sue Chung Chiu Middle School especially those useful meetings and trainings. I wish I could still have them even though I would be teaching in a different middle school this school year,” Mr. Mounkoro continued.

We will miss Mr. Mounkoro and his steady leadership too. But, when his replacement arrives in the village this fall we will be just as ready to help the new principal as we were to support Mr. Mounkoro. Anything for our students!