Teacher Peer Meetings Help Teachers Help Each Other

The school year in Mali is now in full swing, so the work of our Mali staff is also geared up! This is particularly true for our Teacher Project Coordinator, Adama, who is hard at work helping our teachers. Last week, he hosted his first ever Teacher Peer Meeting, designed to help our teachers help each other.

Calling All U.S. Students -- Make the Case for Caring!

It’s that time of year — time for students around the United States to share their ideas with us! Today we announce the theme for our annual Make the Case for Caring Essay contest. This contest asks for thoughtful insights on an international development issue from high school students and, for the first time this year, middle school students! Find out what this year’s theme is…

Girls Project Grows & Thrives

As announced this summer, our successful Girls Project is growing! After three years of piloting the Project in three villages, as school opened this fall we launched the Project in five new villages. This expansion has allowed us to nearly DOUBLE the young women benefiting from our intensive work. With all 8 villages, this year we will work with 362 young women to help them get in school, stay in school, and thrive.

Boulaye Benefits From Teacher Peer Meetings

I am Boulaye Diawara, I have been teaching French in the middle school of Seguesona since 2016, but I started teaching in 2008. I am 34 and I really like my teaching job. What makes me like it even more is because I am always in contact with kids and enjoy helping them when it comes to studying….

Why Principal Coulibaly Values Our Principal Peer Meetings

A school without a principal is less than a school! Our principals have a lot on their plates and Mali Rising wants to help them do the best job they can. One of our goals is to have great and frank partnership with our principals. As part of that, we host regular Principal Peer Meetings where we gather 5 to 6 Mali Rising principals to share their challenges and solutions with each other. At our most recent peer meeting in the town of Ouelessebougou, we got to talk with several our principals who participated in it. We already shared the experiences of Principal Cisse earlier this week. Now, let’s hear from Mali Rising’s only female principal, Djenebou Coulibaly…

Making the Girls Project Sustainable...Meet our Girl Leaders!

We love our Girls Project, which strives to recruit more girls into school and retain them there so they have the skills to build the lives they dream off. The Project has been very successful in its initial three pilot villages. We worked in those villages in pilot mode for three years, but are now working with those villages to have them take on the Project in a sustainable way (this will allow us take the Project to five new villages!). As part of that sustainability strategy, we are developing Girl Leaders for each of the pilot villages. These young women are now high school students, but they will be working in the villages to run the Girls Groups and other Project elements. We think they will also serve as great role models for sticking with school.

Principals Make a School Work...And We Help Them!

A school without a principal is less than a school! Our principals have a lot on their plates and Mali Rising wants to help them do the best job they can. One of our goals is to have great and frank partnership with our principals. As part of that, we host regular Principal Peer Meetings where we gather 5 to 6 Mali Rising principals to share their challenges and solutions with each other. At our most recent peer meeting in the town of Ouelessebougou, we got to talk with one our principals who participated in it. Let’s read more about what he said…