No one likes to struggle alone! That’s why connecting our principals to each other is so important — they can share ideas and solutions…or just commiserate. Read how a recent Peer Meeting inspired one principal to do even more to connect to his peers.
Help Us Welcome Ousmane to the Mali Rising Team
We are more than excited to welcome a new member to the Mali Rising team — Ousmane Coulibaly. As of October 1, Ousmane is our Operations Coordinator. This means he is in charge of keeping everything running on time and efficiently, from the Mali office’s budget to our delivery of Inspiration Scholarships. Get to know Ousmane…
Learn More About the Teacher Project
Without teachers, a school is just a building. With our supporters' help, we invest in teachers to make sure schools can deliver on the promise of education. A volunteer, Lawrence, recently made us a great video highlighting our teachers and the work we do to support them and I wanted to use this chance to share more information about this important project.
Getting the Second Chance We All Deserve
Even Expert Teachers Love a Peer Meeting
Kadidia mentioned that she would be delighted to take part in more Mali Rising Peer Meetings. These meetings would allow her to learn from her peers and share her ten-year teaching experience with other French teachers. She said that peer meetings are now one of the things that will make her very enthusiastic about her teaching job because the meetings will both allow her to meet friends she has not seen for many years and also allow her to improve her teaching skills. “This means I can be more helpful to my students in Jade and Gabe Mellor Middle School,” says Kadidia.
Three Friends Studying Through the Pandemic
Remembering Mali Independence Day
Looking Back & Forward with the Girls' Project
Last school year in Mali was an incredibly topsy-turvy one because of the pandemic, the teachers' strike, a coup, and the political protests. As a result, classes were suspended several times. Despite this situation, I am proud to report that the Girls' Project was able to carry out the activities that we planned for the year.
Healthy Kids = Learning Kids
There are many challenges facing Malian students. In addition to an on-going teacher shortage, water issues, a lack of teaching tools, and overcrowded classrooms, many students miss school due to avoidable illness. Through our Health Project, we are working to reduce that particular problem for our students!