Let's Start With Why We Do This Work

The most important way for you to say passionate and engaged as a board member is to stay connected with our “why.” Why does Mali Rising exist? Well, our mission is “to empower the children of Mali, West Africa by expanding and improving educational opportunities for them within their own villages. We see this education empowering children to go on to futures that improve their own lives, but also the fate of their villages and of Mali as a whole.”

Okay, that’s pretty good but I think the real “why” is best articulated in stories from our alumni and students. Please read these two example stories and think about if/how the stories illustrate your personal “why” for the work you do with Mali Rising:

Thanks to you and Mali Rising, Enriette is back in school & learning!

Thanks to you and Mali Rising, Enriette is back in school & learning!

Djènèba illustrates exactly why we do this work — education empowers young people to decide their own futures and change the future of Mali for the better!

Djènèba illustrates exactly why we do this work — education empowers young people to decide their own futures and change the future of Mali for the better!