
Join Our Board!

Mali Rising Foundation seeks volunteer board members with a passion for changing lives through the power of education. We're looking for board members to serve as ambassadors for our work and our students. Mali Rising Foundation's volunteer board guides our work and provides legal and financial oversight. These dedicated volunteers make sure we are on track to do the best job we can for Mali's children and to be responsible with donor dollars. Learn more…

Day 5 of Resolve to Be Involved: Celebrate

I am of the opinion that we don’t resolve to incorporate joy and exploration into our lives enough. That changes with today’s Resolve to be Involved. Over the last five days of the month, we’re going to help you out with a series of ways you can Resolve to be Involved with Mali Rising — five easy ways to help others. The five ways: Connect, Volunteer, Share Give, and Celebrate. We are on Day 5, our final day, here so we’re asking you to resolve to Celebrate!

A Virtual Event: Talk With Hindaty & Learn About Girls' Education in Mali

Feeling cooped up at home as we all try to reduce exposure to the coronavirus? You are not alone! To help with the stir-craziness, we are developing some causal, fun online options for connection and learning. So, join us via video link on Sunday, March 29 for a fun chat with our wonderful Girls’ Project Coordinator, Hindaty Traore. This is a great way to learn more about the importance of girls’ education and our great Girls’ Project without leaving the comfort of your home!